• Faculty of Science
  • dean_science@um.edu.my
  • 03-79674200


The Faculty of Science is one the oldest and most accomplished faculties in the University. It was established in 1959 with initially four departments namely Department of Botany, Department of Chemistry, Department of Mathematics and Department of Zoology. At present, the Faculty of Science has two institutes and four departments which were rebranded to Institute of Biological Sciences, Institute of Mathematical Science, Department of Chemistry, Department of Physics, Department of Geology and Department of Science & Technology Studies. Concurrently, Faculty of Science, the biggest faculty in University of Malaya with nearly 3000 undergraduate students, 900 postgraduate students, 226 academic staffs and 265 of supporting staffs. In addition to functioning as a teaching centre, the Faculty of Science, staffed with locally and internationally feted researchers, serves as the main research centre for Science & Technology in the region, possesing state of the art research equipment and world class facilities. To enhance teaching experience, Faculty of Science also boasts Rimba Ilmu, zoological and geological museum, and research stations. The faculty also manages its very own online scientific journal, the Malaysian Journal of Science.

Faculty of Science

Last Update: 18/02/2025