• Faculty of Science
  • science@um.edu.my
  • 03-79674200


The Environmental Management programme is designed in a 3u1i mode (3 years in the university and 1 year in the industry) with the aim to produce competent graduates in the field of environmental management. Students will have a strong foundation in the fundamentals of biology and on top of that, they will be exposed to latest developments in the environmental modules which include water management, environmental impact assessment, biological monitoring, sustainable development, coastal management, environmental toxicology, waste management, environmental audit, health and safety, slope management and others. Some courses also include practical components which include experiments in the laboratory and fieldwork. The students will be trained to identify problems, develop solutions, and work in teams to address the environmental issues
The programme offers a comprehensive industrial training for two semesters during the final year to prepare the students for real life challenges. Apart from industrial exposure and linkages, students can partake in various community and environment-based activities. The students will also undertake a research project in the environment-management related fields of their interest culminating in a project thesis.


Last Update: 28/06/2024